OpenResty Open-Source
Community Workspace
Hey! For a long time we've been sharing knowledge, support, ideas, updates and more through our OpenResty Google Group, our official Forum and GitHub.
We have just released a new Slack workspace for the community to centralize communication. Here, we will be able to contribute together, share our innovative ideas and solutions, give product updates, and even find like-minded developers or get hired!
Please join us here and share your thoughts and questions with us, we can't wait to hear from you!

Slack Benefit

In our community Slack, you will be able to
Receive the latest updates of OpenResty open-source solutions
See how other companies are using or integrating OpenResty
Have technical discussions with fellow engineers and debug together
Hire talents that are familiar with OpenResty stack

Join our Slack Channel

Communicate, share and contribute with faster and better responses
For workspace-wide communication and announcements.
Discuss questions on end-user workflows in OpenResty.
Tell us how we can best improve our solution, and in what aspects.
Post jobs and see who is hiring.
Help and contribute with other OpenResty users.
Q&A for OpenResty installation, configuration, and upgrading.
or reach out to us via